“Cánh Buồm Xanh” Club Donates Funds for Tua Sin Chai School Renovation

Following the support trip earlier in April 2023, on May 27, the “Cánh Buồm Xanh Club” (Hanoi Telecom) handed over a sum of 70,000,000 VND to Hang Lìa Hồng Thứ School in Tủa Sín Chải – Sìn Hồ – Lai Châu for renovation and gift distribution to the students. This amount was raised within 8 days (May 8 – May 15) through the heartfelt contributions of Hanoi Telecom’s employees and kind-hearted individuals both within and outside the company.

Located in the remote and mountainous area of Lai Châu Province, Hang Lìa Hồng Thứ School has been facing significant shortages in facilities and daily necessities. Given this situation, the Cánh Buồm Xanh Club of Hanoi Telecom devised a plan to upgrade the infrastructure, including constructing new restrooms, laying concrete playgrounds, and installing school signs, aiming to give the school a fresh new look. After the renovation, the students now have access to clean restrooms and a clean playground, contributing to a more comfortable learning environment.

During this visit, the Cánh Buồm Xanh Club also prepared gifts including cakes, candies, and milk for the students as a celebration of International Children’s Day on June 1st. Additionally, the team visited and offered support to some orphaned students who were facing difficult circumstances, encouraging them on their educational journey.

Despite the challenges and hardships faced to reach the school and connect with the students, the members of the Hanoi Telecom volunteer team remained joyful and content, knowing they were extending the helping hands of kind-hearted individuals to the right place at the right time. It is hoped that in the future, these programs of compassion and goodwill will continue to be implemented and expanded. Sincere thanks are extended to everyone who came together to create this wonderful act of kindness.

Hanoi Telecom and Mirae N Edu Partner signed A strategic cooperation in the field of Education and Training at the Vietnam – Korea Business Forum
Hanoi Telecom and Mirae N Edu Partner signed A strategic cooperation in the field of Education and Training at the Vietnam – Korea Business Forum

On July 1, at the Vietnam – Korea Business Forum held in Seoul, Hanoi Telecom Corporation and Mirae N Edu Partner signed a strategic cooperation agreement in the field of Education and Training.  The Vietnam – Korea Business Forum, held in Seoul, South Korea, presented a significant opportunity for both nations to strengthen investment and […]

The Tek Wizard 2024 technology summer camp has officially concluded
The Tek Wizard 2024 technology summer camp has officially concluded

On July 5th, the Graduation Ceremony of Tek Wizard 2024 was successfully held. The program, organized by Tekmonk Technology Academy, took place from July 1st to July 5th at the Hanoi Telecom Headquarters. Throughout the 5-day technology summer camp journey, young wizards learned new programming skills, participated in team-building activities to foster camaraderie, and made […]

Hanoi Telecom’s Inclusion in Top 10 ESG Innovations in Vietnam 2024
Hanoi Telecom’s Inclusion in Top 10 ESG Innovations in Vietnam 2024

Hanoi Telecom’s project exemplifies the convergence of creativity and community-centric values. By infusing their initiatives with fresh ideas that address societal needs and promote environmental stewardship, they have garnered recognition from the program’s organizers, emerging as one of the top 10 outstanding projects. This accolade not only underscores the excellence of Hanoi Telecom’s efforts but […]