Be a “peer leader”!

It’s far from simple when discussing the successes in the ICT domain of businesswoman Nguyen Hien Phuong, currently serving as the Deputy CEO of Hanoi Telecom Corporation (Hanoi Telecom-HTC).

She’s a rare female leader in an industry renowned for its breakneck pace and relentless pressure. Hien Phuong, an 80s-generation female entrepreneur, has not only realized her dreams from an early age but has also kept her passion for her profession burning steadily. In Hien Phuong’s journey, one question always resonates: Why can’t women excel in the field of telecommunications and information technology?

From hypothesis to hands-on training

Hien Phuong, who received comprehensive education in Vietnam, had the opportunity to undergo specialized training abroad during her career. This helped her broaden her horizons and quickly adapt to the rapid changes in the era of digital technology and the digital economy, ultimately utilizing her strengths effectively in her work.

All of this became the tools that the “female general” of Hanoi Telecom and her leadership team used to find new directions and contribute to increasing the market share and revenue of the company. Despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, Hanoi Telecom not only stood its ground but also managed to achieve significant development after the crisis.

Over the course of 20 years of establishment and growth, Hanoi Telecom has built a solid foundation, establishing long-term relationships with numerous foreign partners, especially in the Asian region. These favorable conditions provided the groundwork for restructuring and reaching larger business goals.

“Even in the most challenging times brought about by the pandemic, we managed to create new products and services, forging a new path for ourselves,” reflected the Deputy CEO.

As evidence, they successfully completed the EcoDC data storage unit, achieving the Uptime Tier III-TCCF and TCDD standards, the first of its kind in Vietnam. They also launched the “Connect with Tutors” service and officially opened the Tekmonk Technology Academy. These services and products play crucial roles in the company’s current phase of development, as asserted by Ms. Hien Phuong.

Returning to the question that once troubled her, Ms. Hien Phuong shared a “trick” for a female leader to succeed: “I always assume positions as an employee to analyze difficult situations. Through sharing and empathy from leadership, employees can find solutions. When your employees trust you as a ‘colleague leader’ in every moment, their dedication to the common cause multiplies—I firmly believe in this!” she smiled.

Sweetness from humanitarian ideas

For over three years, successive waves of Covid-19 outbreaks occurred throughout the country. Hanoi Telecom managed to maintain its production and business activities while taking care of the lives of its employees and actively fulfilling its corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Ms. Hien Phuong shared that Hanoi Telecom’s motto is to always stand alongside the community, making the community and society the continuous focus in all of their decisions.

One can mention their fundraising efforts to support the government’s Covid-19 vaccination program. They also participated in the “Waves and Computers for Children” program initiated by the Prime Minister. Currently, the company continues to support and call for help for this program to ensure that “no student is left behind” in the age of digital technology.

“Building and strengthening the education foundation, moving towards digital education in the era of Industry 4.0, is the guiding principle of Hanoi Telecom’s activities as a whole, and our volunteer activities in particular,” Ms. Hien Phuong emphasized.

Every year, Hanoi Telecom implements the LIFT UP THE LIGHTS program, supporting the construction and renovation of schools, classrooms, infrastructure, and equipment sponsorship for schools in remote and disadvantaged areas. Some examples include the Cooc Cooc Kindergarten in Ha Giang (2020), the Con Se Primary School in Quang Loc, Ba Don, Quang Binh (2020-2021), the Chim Van Primary School in Bac Yen, Son La Province (2022), and the Hang Lia Hong Thu Village School in Tua Sin Chai, Sin Ho, Lai Chau (2023).

Adapting to the “new normal” after the pandemic is a significant challenge for all businesses, but there are always “sweet rewards” for those who accept challenges and seize opportunities.

Ms. Nguyen Hien Phuong believes that, with the inherent strengths of a telecommunications and information technology company in terms of telecommunications and data infrastructure, network security control, and long-standing partnerships with foreign partners, along with dedication and responsibility, Hanoi Telecom confidently anticipates and welcomes new waves, striving to compete on an equal footing in the digital transformation race.

Through this, they aim to develop Hanoi Telecom into a national telecommunications conglomerate – an internationally recognized brand that aligns with Vietnam’s dynamic digital landscape.

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