Message V.LUNA: About opening deposit of land for sale of V.LUNA Project Phase 1

On March 4, 2021, the Standing Committee of the Vietnam Aerospace Association (VASA) expansion held a meeting to expand the table and decided to continue to prioritize investment in the project “Development of land fund on the moon. “Create more playground for the young intellectual community, the Vietnamese community in the country and overseas Vietnamese people.”

The Vietnam Aerospace and Space Association is continuing to complete technical, geophysical information, detailed status quo maps, and publishes the project’s coordinates and planning as well as refer to the projects being implemented in the world. V.LUNA is the abbreviation of the project “Development of the Moon Land Fund” developed and exclusively registered by VASA, applied Blockchain technology to ensure the integrity of information is not changed and ensure all interests of customers participating in the project.

However, to meet the expectations of customers and the aspirations of the young people who love space, on March 8 and on the occasion of the International Space Day April 12, The Vietnam Aerospace and Space Association drafted a message to consult the online community about the implementation of deposit acceptance for the sale of the land fund of the V.LUNA project led by the Moon Land Fund Development Project Department belongs to VASA as an investor.

The V.LUNA project has an area of 1,331,212 km2, exactly equal to the territorial area and territorial waters of Vietnam with diverse terrains, with hills, high mountains, plains and many valleys. The management board is hiring experts to develop a master plan design, especially optimal, to learn from the existing planning issues on earth. The project management board also researches and develops policies to sell land according to civilized and objective principles, there is no “please give” regime, no “group benefits” regime to create a premise for building suitable cultural – civilized life in the universe.


When placing an order, customers fill out all information in the form issued by VASA, clearly stating the need to use the land to be arranged according to a suitable plan. Especially, customers must fully commit to complying with the criteria related to land use, environmental protection and cultural criteria suitable for the weightless life on the moon.

The starting price construction Management Board is as follows:

  • 400,000 VND (four hundred thousand VND) / acre of moon land in the valley
  • 500,000 VND (five hundred thousand VND) / acre of lunar land in the plains
  • 1,000,000 VND (one million VND) / hectare of moon land in low hills
  • 5,000,000 VND (five million VND) / acre of moon land in high mountains from 300m – 500m
  • 10,000,000 VND (ten million VND) / sample of moon land in the high mountains from 500m – 1000m
  • Do not sell land in areas over 1000m high, only used for public works and defense land for the protection of the moon.

This price can be adjusted annually according to the general land market situation on the moon.

On the occasion of March 8 this year, the Management Board of V.LUNA would like to introduce to customers who are interested in the program “Deposit to buy land on the moon” with preferential prices for themselves, relatives and friends. , etc. Details of the program are as follows:

  • Deposit rate:
  • 100,000 VND (one hundred thousand VND) / acre of land in the valley
  • VND 110,000 (one hundred and ten thousand VND) / acre in the plain area
  • Each purchase order for land on the moon includes the following documents:
  • Land certificate includes land location, land lot, latitude longitude location; you can choose to print or not to print the name of the owner on the certificate; All information is authenticated and information integrity protected using Blockchain technology.
  • Moon status map: marks the exact location of a soil sample on the moon according to longitude, latitude, and plot number location.
  • When there is no longer a need for ownership, the owner can transfer by himself at the agreed price, even if the price is set above a high and very high threshold; The Project Management Board is responsible for confirming the transfer transaction, assisting with the related transfer documents, confirming and protecting the interests of customers with a fee of 1% of the transfer price.
  • Since the limited land fund is reserved for the construction of many public facilities, the Management Board proposes that each individual is limited to a deposit to buy only one acre of land.
  • Note: In case that due to subjective reasons from VASA, the project cannot deploy, the Project Management Board commits to refund 100% of the deposit plus interest at the rate of commercial banks. Vietnamese trade for customers. However, if the project cannot be implemented due to objective and force majeure reasons such as impacts from interplanetary collisions, we hope that you will understand and take risks with VASA.


When issuing customer needs assessment polls, the V.LUNA Project Management Board received many different feedbacks, quote some typical comments:

“The project is so fuzzy”, “Tricking on the ground is not enough to lure each other on the moon and trick”, “That’s good, a new gamble”, “Maybe big win”, “It’s like a joke”, ” Good game “,” That’s the guy Cuoi project “,” A form of risky business “,” The price of a land acre is equal to a bowl of pho in the hotel, it’s too cheap “,” That’s good, there’s more story. to flirt with girls “,” Maybe winning a sock to get a diamond mine “,” Buying soil chips to grow clean vegetables “,” I will buy “,” Spending money to buy the lottery is even safer than putting silver in the universe ” , “Winning the number to buy Miss”, “Starting price 500,000 VND / acre, price to hand may be billions, is it terrible?”, Etc.


Half of the opinions in the customer poll were opposed to the project; 40% of the votes have no opinion; Only 10% of polls are both supportive, skeptical and confused. However, the Management Board of V.LUNA still confidently implements the project because it believes that out of 40% of customers who do not have an opinion, you may be thinking, researching and most likely with time there will be interested in the project.

In business textbooks, there is a subject “Game theory”. Anyone who is able to solve the problem well in “Game Theory” can have great success in the marketplace. There is an opinion that “The project is fuzzy” is also true, the Buddha has the saying “Cultivation must be self-enlightened”, the idea is that if you want to cultivate to become a Bodhisattva, Arhat, if you only teach everything to cultivators, maybe human beings. All of them became Tien, Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, Arhat, and who are the people?

There is an opinion mentioning the word “gamble”, this opinion is somewhat correct but not completely correct, if it is true, it may be a “super gamble” because now you deposit 100,000 VND, confirmed by VASA. and protection; A week later, someone was interested, wanted to buy, but at the end of the project deposit opening, V.LUNA temporarily closed the second phase, the demand for buyers to donate land to their relatives increased, you can offer to sell or transfer. If the “deposit right” is not a few hundred percent but a “high-order exponent”, isn’t this a “super gamble”?

There is an opinion saying “Winning a beauty queen”, this is also an interesting idea, for example, you deposit to buy an area above the average 305m, 307m are lucky numbers that in the planning, in the present lunar geography has such elevation zones; So you can order, get the certificate and name it your way and maybe the area is a mine of diamonds and gems. Then you can be very rich and the “buy beauty”, even “buy smart money” is completely possible.

Someone said “Cheat together on the moon”. Maybe you do not know, there are many exchanges in the world that open to sell moon land projects with successful transaction areas up to millions of acres of land. And the above opinion is completely not true of VASA. The Vietnam Aviation – Aerospace Association was sworn in the congress for the 2021 – 2025 term, all activities and services at VASA are non-profit, the profits are only for investment and funding for intellectual talents. young research and development of the country’s aerospace and aerospace career. Members of the VASA Board of Directors swear no salary, remuneration, absolute transparency and determination for the development of the Association.

For the V.LUNA project, the revenue from the land sample price is announced transparently. Those who love the moon can choose, in addition, the project will receive revenue from the 1% service fee transfer transactions. All are for developing projects and serving young generations who are passionate about space research.

There is also an opinion like “Story as a joke”, this is really not a joke. According to the publication of the US magazine, 7.5% of the lunar land has been sold, already owned, so it is perfectly appropriate to start the V.LUNA project at this time, if we delay we will lose muscle. festival. Just like the story of Bitcoin, a little while ago when it came to Bitcoin, to “dig” Bitcoin was a joke, now the virtual currency Bitcoin has become a recognized currency in international transactions, popular and effective. fruit. It is true that the V.LUNA project is only for those who are passionate about the universe, enjoy and want to experience life on the moon, a promised land, never polluted. Hope that place will bring you great happiness.

Hope you enjoy the project and understand our heart.

Best regards!

Note: VASA hopes to receive the positive comments of the intellectual community, the Vietnamese community at home and abroad for the project to be completed, creating more playgrounds for you. Information should be sent to the contacts on the website of the Association:

Hanoi, March 4, 2021.

TSKH. Nguyen Hoang Duong

Vice Project Director, V.LUNA


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