HTC 2nd Friday Learning Day: Thanks for Course “Event Organization Process”

On September 28th, the “Event Organization Process” course at Hoa Lac was truly a memorable and meaningful journey, equipping the students of Hanoi Telecom with essential knowledge, skills, and insights into event organization.

Throughout the course, the students learned how to:

Detailed Planning: The course helped us understand the entire event planning process, from start to finish. We learned how to define objectives, target audiences, budgets, and other critical factors to ensure the smooth execution of events.

Team Interaction and Management: Managing a team and working together in the event environment can sometimes be challenging. The course taught us how to interact and manage teams effectively to achieve the best results.

Emergency Situation Handling: In any event, unexpected situations can arise. We learned how to handle emergency situations calmly and professionally.

Creativity and Feedback: The course encouraged us to generate creative ideas to make events stand out and resonate with the audience. We also learned how to collect and evaluate feedback to improve future events.

We hope that the knowledge and skills acquired by the students will benefit them in the future. We trust that you will continue to develop and apply this knowledge to your work and daily life. We sincerely thank you and look forward to meeting you again in future learning and working opportunities.